
Casselberry, FL
Pest Control

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Since our founding in 2019, PURCOR Pest Solutions has been dedicated to serving the Casselberry community, offering top-tier pest control services to ensure the safety and comfort of your homes and businesses. Our commitment to exceptional service and our deep understanding of the local pest environment make us the trusted choice for comprehensive pest management.

Our Commitment to the Casselberry Community

Casselberry, Florida, is celebrated for its beautiful chain of lakes, including Lake Howell, Lake Kathryn, and Lake Concord, providing scenic beauty and recreational opportunities. The city’s well-maintained parks, such as Wirz Park and Secret Lake Park, offer residents places to relax, exercise, and enjoy community events. Casselberry’s vibrant arts scene, showcased through events like Art & Music in the Park and its art center, brings the community together through classes and exhibits. The city fosters a strong sense of community with annual traditions like the Tree Lighting Ceremony and Concert Series. Conveniently located near Orlando, Casselberry provides easy access to popular attractions and employment opportunities.

Why Choose PURCOR Pest Solutions?

  • Extensive Expertise: Founded in 2019 with a rapidly growing reputation for excellence.
  • Local Knowledge: Our certified professionals are well-versed in the local environment and pest behaviors.
  • Scheduled Services: Regularly scheduled services to meet your ongoing pest control needs.
  • Comprehensive Solutions: Expertise in identifying, preventing, and eliminating pest infestations.

Preventative Pest Control

Preventative pest control in Casselberry focuses on proactive measures to minimize pest issues and protect homes and businesses. This approach includes regular inspections, identifying potential entry points, sealing gaps, and implementing preventive strategies to deter pests. Common pests in Casselberry include ants, cockroaches, spiders, termites, mosquitoes, and rodents. By adopting preventative measures, residents and businesses can significantly reduce infestation risks, protect their properties, and maintain a pest-free environment. Our team offers customized treatment plans to ensure ongoing protection.

Mosquito Control

Effective mosquito control is essential in Casselberry due to the warm climate and abundant water sources. Our experts provide tailored solutions to minimize mosquito populations and reduce the risk of mosquito-borne diseases. These solutions include larvicide treatments to eliminate breeding sites, and treatments to control adult mosquitoes, and guidance on reducing stagnant water. Regular monitoring and seasonal treatments ensure long-term mosquito control, making outdoor areas more enjoyable.

Commercial Pest Control Services

Ensuring the safety and satisfaction of residents, restaurant patrons, and business clients is crucial, making commercial pest control a priority. Our experts specialize in addressing the unique challenges commercial establishments face. Services include thorough inspections, pest issue identification, and effective treatment plans. Common pests in commercial settings include rodents, cockroaches, ants, flies, and termites. Our exterminators work closely with building managers and owners to implement proactive measures and maintain continuous pest control and compliance with health and safety regulations.

Termite Treatment

Subterranean and drywood termites are prevalent in Casselberry, necessitating effective termite treatment. We offer solutions to detect, eliminate, and prevent termite infestations. Treatment methods vary based on infestation type and severity, including liquid termiticides and termite baits. Our experts conduct thorough inspections and design personalized treatment plans to ensure lasting protection and prevent structural damage. Regular monitoring and ongoing maintenance are recommended to safeguard properties and provide peace of mind.

Cockroach Removal

Casselberry’s climate supports various cockroach species, making cockroach treatment essential. Our services offer effective solutions to eradicate and prevent infestations. Methods include targeted insecticide applications, baiting systems, and exclusion techniques. Comprehensive inspections identify hiding spots, and customized treatment plans ensure complete eradication and prevent re-infestation. Regular monitoring and follow-up visits maintain a sanitary environment and mitigate health risks.

Rodent Control

Mice and rats are common in Casselberry, making rodent control vital. Our services provide effective solutions to eradicate and prevent infestations, including trapping, baiting, exclusion techniques, and sealing entry points. Meticulous inspections assess rodent activity and infestation severity, allowing for personalized treatment plans. Our primary objective is to safeguard properties, prevent damage, and mitigate health risks associated with rodents.

Tailored Treatment Plans

Our pest control specialists create customized treatment plans to address specific pest issues and protect your home or business. Regular services ensure ongoing protection, and our commitment to excellence guarantees your satisfaction.

Prefer to handle your home needs online? Check-out our digital service bundles and secure your savings today, all without the hassle of multiple phone calls. Our E-store is your one-stop-shop for general pest control & mosquito services. Buy Online Now 

Areas We Provide Pest Control in Casselberry, FL

PURCOR proudly offers pest control and removal services to several neighborhoods in Casselberry, including:

  • Deer Run
  • Sterling Park
  • Lake Howell Arms
  • Lake Kathryn Estates
  • Summerset North
  • Carriage Hill
  • Concord Woods Village
  • And more

Zip Codes Serviced:







Bug Slash

Get a Free Pest Control Quote Today

Finding pests where you least expect them is no fun at all, and when some pests can even pose severe health risks, pest infestations are no laughing matter. Don’t delay—call the certified pest experts at PURCOR for the most effective pest control for your home or business. Our services are backed by a guarantee and not only designed to suit your needs but the local environment in Casselberry as well. Get your free pest control quote today! 


Is Professional Pest Control Worth It?

The decision to hire professional pest control services in Casselberry, FL, can be a daunting one. It should be based on the specific pest problem you’re facing, its severity, and your comfort level in addressing it yourself. Turning to your local pest control experts with your questions can help you make an informed decision on how to handle your pest-related problems.
At PURCOR, we have the expertise to eliminate pests and prevent future infestations. We provide a tailored approach based on the unique conditions of your home in Casselberry. We offer different options for pest control solutions that are sure to make your investment well worth it! 

Is DIY Pest Control Effective?

DIY pest control can be effective for handling minor pest issues or for preventive measures. However, its effectiveness depends on multiple factors, including the type of pest, the extent of the infestation, and the chosen treatment method. Here are some downsides to DIY pest control to help you decide if it will be enough to solve your pest problems:

Limited effectiveness for severe or persistent infestations 
Risk of using incorrect or unsafe products
Lack of professional expertise in identifying and addressing underlying causes
Potential for pests to return if the root cause is not addressed

How Long Does Pest Control Treatment Last? Will I Need Follow-Up Visits?

The effectiveness and duration of pest control treatments can vary depending on the type of pest and the method used. Some treatments may require follow-up visits to ensure the problem is resolved and maintained. At PURCOR, we work hard to make sure your pest problem is fixed the first time around, and we provide you with the skills you need to keep your home clean and pest-free. Schedule a service for your Casselberry, FL home or business and get rid of your pest problem today!

What Our Customers Say

(5/5) 46 Reviews

The service received from Mike was excellent ,he carried himself in a very professional manner, and demonstrated his knowledge, and the joy that he has for his occupation,a pleasant . . .

Billy Johnson

Josh answered my call, and with confidence and charisma he was able to get us signed up for services very quickly and efficiently! I spoke to Joe this morning . . .

Alyssa Windham

Tim has been amazing since the first day. He does an amazing job and is always polite and professional. We’ve never had a negative experience with Tim. He’s flexible . . .

Sonia Ramirez

Rachel is great. She always does her job properly. I hope she stays here doing our house

Mary Jane Weiss

John is a very conscientious service technician. If he can’t complete the job on his first visit he will gladly return to finish it up and we appreciate his . . .

Gayle L-S