
5 Fascinating Facts About Mosquitoes You Probably Didn’t Know

Discover five fascinating facts about mosquitoes, their survival skills, and why professional mosquito control is essential for protecting your outdoor spaces. Learn how PURCOR Pest Solutions can help eliminate these pests.
Close-up of a mosquito with a striped body and long legs, perched on human skin. Emphasizing the importance of mosquito control, the blurred background highlights the insect as the main subject.

1. Ancient Insects Among Us

Mosquitoes have been around for more than 100 million years, making them one of the oldest species of insects we know. They have witnessed the dinosaurs’ reign and their eventual extinction, and yet, they have managed to survive through the ages. Their long history on earth is a testament to their adaptability and resilience, attributes that have enabled them to thrive in almost every environment on the planet, from tropical forests to frozen tundras.

2. Masters of Survival

Mosquitoes are not just survivors; they are adept at thriving in a wide range of conditions. This makes them incredibly difficult pests to address without professional help. One of the keys to their survival is their larvae, which can develop in as little as a teaspoon of water. This means any stagnant water, from a bird bath to a discarded soda can, can become a potential mosquito breeding ground. Their ability to reproduce rapidly in almost any water source has made them one of the most prolific insects on earth.

3. They Are Natural Born Carbon Dioxide Detectors

Mosquitoes’ ability to detect carbon dioxide from up to 75 feet away is one of the many reasons they seem to have a talent for finding us. If you’re breathing, you can be found. They use this incredible sense of smell to hone in on their next blood meal, navigating towards the scent of our exhaled breath. In addition to carbon dioxide, they are also attracted to specific body odors and substances produced by our skin. This highly developed sense of smell is crucial for their survival and, unfortunately for us, makes them highly efficient at locating their prey.

4. Mosquitoes Are Super Spreaders

Beyond being an itchy nuisance, mosquitoes are responsible for transmitting some of the world’s most dangerous diseases, including malaria, dengue, Zika, and West Nile virus. Their ability to carry and spread these pathogens makes them a serious public health threat. Our professional mosquito control technicians use a variety of methods to solve the threat of mosquitoes. Request a free mosquito control estimate online, or give our team a call today.

5. They Have a Short but Deadly Lifespan

While it may seem like mosquitoes are immortal, their lifespan is actually quite short. Most adult mosquitoes only live for about two weeks. However, in that short time, they can lay hundreds of eggs, ensuring the next generation of blood-suckers.

Get Professional Mosquito Control With PURCOR Today!

For the best professional mosquito control services, look no further than PURCOR Pest Solutions. We serve a number of different regional areas across the country. With the proper tools and a team of experienced and expert technicians, we’re ready to keep mosquitoes out of your home. To get additional information or answers about our services, visit our FAQ page and our blog here. Ready to eliminate your mosquito infestation? Give our team a call or contact us online today to say goodbye to your mosquito problem once and for all!