
Summer Fly Control: How to Deal with Flies

Feeling that summer buzz in the air? Shoo! fly don’t bother me!
summer fly control

We all experience it at some point. You’re sitting there at the kitchen table, perusing the latest social feed or just sipping some coffee. Then, a little buzzing hum begins. It’s faint, but the next thing you know, a fly buzzes right across your face. Summer is here. This time of year brings warmth and sunshine, but it also brings pesky flies buzzing around. PURCOR Pest Solutions offers some key tips for summer fly control in your home to stop that buzzing in your ear.

1. Practice Good Sanitation

Flies are attracted to food sources and organic matter. Keep your kitchen clean, wipe spills promptly, and ensure garbage cans are tightly sealed. Regularly dispose of organic waste to reduce fly attractants.

2. Install Window Screens

Install and maintain window screens on all windows and doors to prevent flies from entering your home while still allowing fresh air circulation.

3. Use Fly Traps and Zappers

Set up fly traps and electric fly zappers indoors and outdoors to capture and kill flies. Fly traps with attractants are particularly effective in reducing fly populations.

4. Employ Natural Fly Repellents

Use natural fly repellents such as essential oils like eucalyptus, lavender, or citronella. Place bowls of apple cider vinegar or citrus peels to deter flies from entering your living spaces.

5. Keep Outdoor Areas Clean

Regularly clean up pet waste, spilled food, and beverage residues in outdoor areas. Flies breed in decaying organic matter, so keeping outdoor spaces clean reduces breeding sites.

6. Properly Dispose of Organic Waste

Dispose of organic waste like food scraps and pet waste in sealed containers with tight-fitting lids to prevent flies from being attracted to them.

7. Maintain Garbage Bins

Regularly clean and disinfect garbage bins, and ensure they have tight-fitting lids to prevent flies from accessing waste.

8. Utilize Fly Screen Mesh

For outdoor dining areas or patios, use fly screen mesh or nets to create a barrier, keeping flies away from food and guests.

Send Flies Fleeing With PURCOR

You may not think much about a few flies in the house. After all, they’re annoying, but they’re so common that we think of them differently than cockroaches, large spiders and rodents. But flies are disease spreaders, and they can make your entire family sick with their nasty habits. If you see flies in your home, give PURCOR Pest a call. We offer fast service and safe, thorough treatment plans in a variety of service areas to rid you of flies and prevent future infestations in your home or business.

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3 Types of Flies That Invade Homes

There’s more than one type of fly. Here are some of the most common ones.
House fly.

Flies are so common—and so irritating—that you may not even realize there are different types of flies. While you’re bound to see differences in their behaviors, you may not give much thought to whether you’re dealing with a fruit fly, house fly or drain fly. But learning more about these pests can help you make them a thing of the past.

Types of Flies Types of Flies in the House

1. House flies

The house fly is the most common type of fly in the United States, but it can be found around the world. House flies reproduce quickly and in large quantities, making them quite a nuisance in your home. These pests spread illnesses ranging from salmonella to tularemia, a bacterial disease that can cause fevers, throat infections and even pneumonia.

2. Fruit flies

These flies look like gnats and can be found buzzing around ripe produce that may or may not be in the process of fermenting. A fruit fly may look innocent, but that tiny bug can spread foodborne illnesses after hopping around atop some pretty questionable substances.

3. Drain flies

Unsurprisingly, the diminutive drain fly can be found in your bathtub or sink. Drain flies look for sources of standing water, and they don’t mind if that water is stagnant. Leaky pipes, seldom-used toilets and slow drains are magnets for these bugs. The drain fly looks similar to the fruit fly. However, drain flies have a slightly fuzzy, moth-like appearance.

How do flies get in the house?

Of course, we’ve all let many a fly in simply by opening the door. But, like other pests, they’re opportunists. If a fly sees a tear in a screen or a gap in weatherstripping, you’re likely to end up with a fly inside — or even an infestation. Sealing those gaps, cracks, holes and tears along your home’s perimeter will help prevent a house full of flies.

Send Flies Fleeing With PURCOR

You may not think much about a few flies in the house. After all, they’re annoying, but they’re so common that we think of them differently than cockroaches, large spiders and rodents. But flies are disease spreaders, and they can make your entire family sick with their nasty habits. If you see flies in your home, give PURCOR Pest a call. We offer fast service and safe, thorough treatment plans in a variety of service areas to rid you of flies and prevent future infestations in your home or business.

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Why Are There Flies in Your House?

There’s more than one type of fly. Here are some of the most common ones.
House fly.

With over 16,000 species of flies in North America, we see them almost everywhere we go. Whether they are swarming you outside or invading your house, they are a problem all year, significantly more in the warmer months. That problem: flies!

At PURCOR Pest Solutions, we create a customized solution for your household to attack any fly troubles you may come across. Our approach focuses on leaving you with a fly-free home while making sure you are protected from any unnecessary chemicals. Let’s cover why there may be flies in your house and a few types of flies you can expect to see welcoming themselves into your home. We will also talk about how to get rid of them with PURCOR.

How Do Flies Get Into Your House?

Doors and Windows Are Left Open

Being a homeowner comes with many responsibilities and making sure everything is functioning properly. When you have a large family, things can get chaotic, resulting in doors and windows left open without your knowledge. They also get left open when you want some fresh air. This may seem like an obvious reason flies can enter your home, but a lot of people don’t realize how many flies can come through these open windows and doors because they are attracted to everything inside your home. It becomes a secluded area for all these flies to multiply and spread their diseases.

It is therefore key to be sure you are closing all windows and doors. If you are someone who enjoys having their windows and doors open, you can invest in getting screens for protection from not only flies but all pests.

Ripped Screens, Unsealed Cracks, and Holes

Sometimes, even when screens cover our windows and doors, flies can find their way through tiny crevices to get to anything they’re sensing in your home. Screens can have rips, holes, and unsealed cracks between the frame and the screen. Flies also come in through openings around plumbing and pipes, vents, and cracks in the foundation.

If you have holes in your air conditioner filters or cracks around the unit, flies can come through without you even knowing. The roof of your home is another hidden way for flies to enter your home because there may be holes or damaged ceilings you are unaware of. It is important to be aware of these possibilities because the older the house is, the more common it is.

Poor Sanitation

One main reason flies end up in your home in the first place is because of poor sanitation. Flies are known to gather around garbage cans, spoiled food, and dirty, unsanitary areas. They love to live and breed in filth, so the dirtier and unsanitized your house is, the more likely flies will gather in your home.

They thrive in this filthy environment, allowing their numbers to increase, making it more difficult for you to get rid of them. Keeping a clean, sanitized space will prevent flies from multiplying and taking over your home.

Food Left Open and Out

A fly eating a watermelon on the kitchen table

One thing that leads to poor sanitization is food being left out or open. One type of fly that can enter your home is the fruit fly. If you have ripe, rotting, or decaying fruit and produce, this is the exact environment fruit flies are looking for. Another thing fruit flies are attracted to is fermented items such as liquor and wine. They also are very prone to breeding and developing in drains, garbage disposals, and trash cans.

Once fruit flies enter your home, it becomes difficult to get them to leave. They multiply very quickly, and even when you throw out the food that has gone bad, you will still find them lurking around your kitchen. Once you purchase your produce, it is important to wash it thoroughly and store it in the fridge as soon as possible. When it goes bad, throw it away immediately and be sure anything spilled or leftover is cleaned up.

Stagnant Pools of Water and Buildup

Not many people can distinguish the different types of flies that enter their homes because they assume they are all the same. But they’re not: consider the drain fly. Drain flies are particularly sneaky and are attracted to stagnant pools of water and buildup. This means that drain flies like to feed on and breed in sewage. They like to find dark, moist areas where they can breed and multiply.

You will most likely find drain flies in bathroom and kitchen drains, the shower, sump pumps, sewage systems, and even any floorboards where you might be experiencing a leak of some sort. If you have a water leak, you want to get it taken care of as soon as possible because if it’s left untreated, drain flies are bound to take over.

Keep Flies Out of Your Home With PURCOR

While there are many ways to prevent flies from entering your home, they’re not always going to be 100% effective. Sometimes having a professional help you out is going to protect your home and your family with their service. When you call PURCOR, you can get an inspection set up right away and come up with a customized solution for you and your family. Contact us and request your free fly control estimate today!

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Cluster Flies Overwinter in Homes

There’s more than one type of fly. Here are some of the most common ones.
House fly.

Noticing a cluster of flies in your home all of a sudden? You may have a cluster fly infestation. As the temperature drops, cluster flies may seek shelter in your home to live through the winter months. In this blog post, we’ll delve deeper into what cluster flies are and what you can do to keep them out of your home this winter.

What Are Cluster Flies?

Cluster flies, also known as attic flies, are different than a common housefly. You can distinguish a cluster fly because it is larger, it has yellow or golden hair on its lower half, and its wings overlap while at rest.

Where Do Cluster Flies Come From?

Cluster flies don’t die when winter approaches. They overwinter– or ride out winter. They’ll shelter in fence posts or under rocks. They can even enter your home through vents, open windows, or door gaps. Cluster flies are most commonly found:

  • In attics
  • In closets
  • Under rugs
  • Behind furniture
  • In wall voids
  • Around vents

What Are the Risks of Cluster Flies?

Cluster flies don’t pose any health risks to people and they aren’t attracted to food or garbage. They breed in soil and host in the bodies of earthworms during their larval stage. Then when grown, they feed on flower nectar. They may leave dark spots on walls with their droppings.

How to Get Rid of Cluster Flies

Swatting a cluster fly is easy because they move slower compared to house flies. But as with any pest, prevention is key. There are several methods you can try to help prevent cluster flies from entering your home this winter:

  • Ensure doors and windows are sealed (or have screens)
  • Seal gaps around your chimney, roofing or pipes, and siding
  • Install fly traps

It’s also important to note that if you kill a cluster fly, clean up afterward as this will attract other pests.

If you are dealing with a more serious cluster fly infestation, call PURCOR. Our highly-skilled pest control technicians are trained to help manage a wide range of pests here in the Portland and Vancouver area including cluster flies. We’ll create a customized solution for you and quickly and efficiently remove your unwanted pest! Contact us today for a free quote!

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Eco-Friendly Pest Control Solutions for Florida Gardens

Discover eco-friendly pest control solutions tailored for Florida gardens. Learn how to protect your plants while preserving the environment.
A lush Florida garden showcasing diverse plants and flowers.

Gardening in Florida offers unique challenges, especially when it comes to managing pests. With the warm and humid climate, pests thrive, threatening your garden’s health. However, using harsh chemicals can harm your plants, soil, and local wildlife. Eco-friendly pest control solutions provide an effective alternative, ensuring your garden stays healthy while preserving the environment.

1. Integrated Pest Management (IPM)

Integrated Pest Management (IPM) is a holistic approach to pest control that focuses on long-term prevention and management. It involves monitoring pest populations, identifying issues early, and using natural or mechanical methods to control pests. IPM encourages the use of beneficial insects like ladybugs and lacewings, which naturally prey on garden pests.

2. Organic Neem Oil

Neem oil is an effective, natural insecticide that targets a wide range of garden pests, including aphids, whiteflies, and spider mites. This oil, derived from the neem tree, works by disrupting the life cycle of pests, preventing them from reproducing. It is safe to use on vegetables, fruits, and flowers, making it a versatile option for Florida gardens.

3. Diatomaceous Earth

Diatomaceous earth is a natural powder made from the fossilized remains of diatoms, a type of algae. It works by dehydrating and killing soft-bodied insects like slugs, snails, and caterpillars. Sprinkle it around the base of plants or directly on pests for an effective, non-toxic solution.

A lush Florida garden as a result of Eco-Friendly Pest Control Florida Gardens

4. Companion Planting

Companion planting involves growing certain plants together to naturally repel pests. For example, marigolds are known to deter nematodes, while basil can repel mosquitoes and flies. Planting these alongside your vegetables and flowers can create a natural pest barrier.

5. Beneficial Nematodes

Beneficial nematodes are microscopic worms that prey on soil-dwelling pests like grubs and root maggots. These nematodes are harmless to plants, pets, and humans but are highly effective in reducing pest populations.

Partner with a Professional

While these eco-friendly methods can significantly reduce pest populations, persistent infestations may require professional intervention. PURCOR’s pest control services specialize in eco-friendly solutions tailored to the unique needs of Florida gardens. By partnering with PURCOR, you can enjoy a healthy, thriving garden without compromising your commitment to the environment.

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Natural Mosquito Control Methods for Florida Homes

Discover effective natural mosquito control methods for Florida homes. Learn how to keep mosquitoes away using eco-friendly solutions.
Natural mosquito control methods in a Florida garden

Mosquitoes can be a persistent problem, especially in the warm, humid climate of Florida. Fortunately, there are effective natural mosquito control methods to keep these pests at bay without resorting to harsh chemicals.

1. Eliminate Standing Water

Mosquitoes breed in stagnant water, so removing sources of standing water around your home is crucial. Empty containers, clean gutters, and change birdbath water regularly.

2. Use Natural Mosquito Control Repellents

Planting mosquito-repelling herbs like basil, lavender, and citronella can help deter mosquitoes. Additionally, essential oils from these plants can be used in homemade repellents.

Natural mosquito control methods in a Florida garden - house 2

3. Install Screens and Nets

Ensure that windows and doors are fitted with screens to keep mosquitoes out. Mosquito nets over beds can provide added protection, especially for children and vulnerable family members.

4. Introduce Natural Predators

Encouraging natural mosquito predators, such as dragonflies and birds, can help control mosquito populations. Creating a garden habitat that attracts these predators can be beneficial.

5. Use Eco-Friendly Traps

Eco-friendly mosquito traps use light and heat to attract and trap mosquitoes without using harmful chemicals.

Why Choose Purcor Pest Solutions?

PURCOR Pest Solutions is dedicated to providing effective and reliable pest control services. Our team of experienced professionals uses the latest techniques and products to ensure your home is protected from mosquitoes and other pests.

  • Customized Treatment Plans: We tailor our services to meet the specific needs of your home and yard.
  • Safe and Effective Products: We use environmentally-friendly products that are safe for your family and pets.
  • Satisfaction Guaranteed: Your satisfaction is our priority. We offer a guarantee on our mosquito control services.

Contact PURCOR Pest Solutions today to schedule a mosquito control service and keep your home protected from these pests. Visit our contact page for more information.

By implementing these strategies and utilizing PURCOR Pest Solutions’ expert services, you can significantly reduce the mosquito population around your home and enjoy a safer, more comfortable living environment.For more detailed information on our services, visit our service area page and ensure you are covered in one of our many service locations.

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